A recruiting tool disguised as a fun mobile game

Rishiri Island, famous for the production of kombu kelp—a key ingredient for umami flavor in Japanese cuisine—was struggling to preserve the tradition of kelp harvesting due to younger people moving out to cities. We had to find a way to attract fresh talent into endangered industry to keep the business and the island way of living alive.

Kombu is a very long seaweed that must be laid flat to dry before processing. This technique inspired the mechanics for a smartphone game, where players virtually lay out 3-meter-long pieces of kelp. The higher scorers were targeted to apply for a job, luring them with content about the charm of Rishiri Island and the vital role kelp farming plays in sustaining its community. 

With this unique recruitment approach, the game was featured by over 82 Japanese media outlets including TV prime time news, online media, newspapers and popular radio programs. The news went global, with exposure across 35 countries. Web traffic to the site increased by 4000%, and ultimately 5 young people in their 20s were employed part-time as kelp farmers.


